Sunday, February 14, 2010

peters mountain white out

snomageddon was scheduled to arrive tuesday night, feb 9. Or was it snopocolalypse? I packed for work accordingly and planned to camp on peters mountain to lessen my morning commute. The snow started around 4 pm in Harrisburg. At 4:30 I took the mile drive up to the trailhead on the ridge of peters mountain, rt. 225. I was planning on staying in the shelter located behind the abandoned house next to the parking lot. There was a sleeping bag in the shelter the day before, and I was hoping to see if anyone else had the great idea of camping through the blizzard. I second guessed parking in the lot, for fear that it may not get plowed for days, or longer. Instead I regrouped in the parking lot at work and decided to walk up the road. In the meantime, I hiked around the Clark's Valley area, around the creek. At 9 pm, I started my walk up the then snow covered road. For the exercise, I didn't want a ride what-so-ever. Luckily, the road conditions meant I only saw about 10 trucks on my 40 minute walk.

Arriving at the shelter, which isn't an AT Companion recognized establishment, I often wonder if someone is ever going to burst out of the back door in the seemingly abandoned house to make me leave. Or perhaps, run into the strange man that I see a few times a week
, either sitting in his truck or standing in various spots down the side of the mountain. There is also the possibility of a big foot appearance, as the local news reported a few months prior. The snow was heavy, probably dropping at least 6 inches over night, continuing through the next day. The winds started to pick up around 4 am, accumulating on my tent as it blew through the space between the log walls. Ski goggles helped during the morning descent.